This detailed reference is brimming with spectacular full-colour photographs of live moths paired with a bevy of captivating moth facts. Whether you are a moth enthusiast or are simply exploring with the kids, this book is your gateway to an intriguing new world.
Many people may dismiss moths as drab, boring creatures that hide away in the dark of night, but this overlooks not just the incredible beauty and variety of our local moths, but also their wonderful life stories.
Gastrophora henricaria is a large and eye-catching moth. Females are occasionally seen perched in the undergrowth during..
Read ExcerptChelepteryx collesi (White-stemmed Gum Moth) is often seen in Canberra suburbia in most of its developmental stages...
Read ExcerptMelanodes anthracitaria is well-named for its general black colour, although some specimens (mainly males) have variable...
Read ExcerptAenetus ligniveren is a very widespread and common moth known from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria...
Read ExcerptIncurvariidae are tiny moths but may be distinguished by their woolly heads and the absence of an eye-cap. There are many species and they are...
Read ExcerptGlyphipterix perimetalla is usually seen at light and has been found in low and mid-level places in the ACT including Black...
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